Tuesday 17 March 2015

Leadership and Team Management

Leadership and Team Management

Course Synopsis

It is an introductory course on Public Administration. This course is designed as a broad introduction to Public Administration. The contents of the course include historical ideas & concepts, perspectives and intellectual frameworks that are fundamental to understanding Public Administration. This course will prepare the students (and is a prerequisites for) more advanced course in public administration like Organizational Development, Crises Management, Educational and Health Management and Public Finance. Since this course is a knowledge based course and theoretical in contents, students after the completion of the course will understand the functioning of government and the functioning of public organizations.

Course Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • State the evolution of the concept of public administration and its importance.
  • Learn different approaches to study of public administration.
  • Explain the role and function of government and public manager.
  • Recognize the structure of government.
  • Appreciate the skills required by the public manager in imparting duties.
  • Discuss the difference between public and business management.
  • Critically evaluate the decision making process and implications of such decisions on the daily lives of common people.

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