Tuesday 17 March 2015

Strategic Management

Strategic Management 

Course Synopsis
The knowledge of Strategic Management is inevitable for the present day manager. This course will enable the students to understand the underlying concepts and processes involved in the strategic management practices. It will provide a basic idea about what strategists do in organizations and how do they do it? Students will be able to better comprehend some of the basic concepts of strategic management highlighted in this course.
Course Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Assimilate the core and specialist subjects into an integral whole.
  • Effectively use the strategic models, evaluate and synthesize the dynamics of strategic decision making including current strategic thinking and philosophy.
  • Develop suitable missions, set key objectives, propose and evaluate alternative strategies.
  • Apply the strategic process to a range of organizations and industries including situations of growth, decline, turnaround and consolidation in a national and international context.
  • Design the policies for implementation through key functional areas.
  • Identify and synthesize change factors including the cultural and leadership aspects of strategy.
  • Discuss the nature of strategic control within the integration process throughout the organization.
  • Evaluate the issues and nature of corporate governance and the relationship of the organization with its stakeholders.
  • Develop coherent and persuasive arguments for the adoption of innovative strategies for a range of business and organizational situations including the development and evaluation of strategic leadership and business team dynamics.
External Link

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